Thursday, December 30, 2010

October Afternoons Santas sack!

Ok forgive the quality and the kids in the background..... ya that one please forgive lol. Anyway yay a video!

It can be viewed on youtube at

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A gift for a friend

So my sister came up with this idea all I had to do was cut it with the cricut.... I think she will be getting a cricut for her birthday at the rate shes having me cut things for her lol. Anyway this was super easy to do and total cost was about $7 for the block.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Teacher gift

Yes I am alive.... its not that i havent been crafty, Ive just been lazy about uploading pictures and posting to the blog. I have four teachers to make gifts for this year and didnt want to spend a lot of money. I bought these 6x6 tiles at lowes for about 70 cents each and the little stands at Craft Warehouse 40% off of $6 each. Not bad for a gift.

I love how it turned out and I am trying not to stress about the stand being a little too big for the tile..... trying.....